62 result(s)
Free textbooks and instructional materials
Students have the right to free textbooks and instructional materials required within the framework of activity programs and the teaching of programs of study. They have this right until the last day ... Lire la suite
Standards and school boards’ responsibilities concerning financial contributions that may be required
The responsibilities assigned to the governing board concerning financial contributions that may be required are in keeping with the principle of subsidiarity. The governing board of each school or ce... Lire la suite
Student transportation
Student transportation is organized by the school board. Student transportation before the beginning of classes and after the end of classes each day is free of charge. Persons enrolled in adult educa... Lire la suite
Childcare services provided at school
At the request of the governing board of a school, a school board must provide childcare for preschool and elementary school students on the school premises or, if the school does not have suitable pr... Lire la suite
To ensure that clear guidelines regarding the school fees billed to parents of preschoolers and elementary and secondary students are in place, Quebecers were invited to participate in an online consu... Lire la suite
Recess periods
What is recess? In the Basic school regulation , the term “recess” is used to indicate the planned breaks that students are given so that they can play freely, be physically active and relax between t... Lire la suite
Materials to which the right to free materials does not apply
The right to free materials does not apply to documents in which students write, draw or cut out or to materials for personal use. “Materials for personal use” include, in particular: School supplies ... Lire la suite
Free educational services
For preschool, elementary school and secondary school students in every public school in Québec, the right to free educational services applies to the following services: Preschool education services ... Lire la suite
Students entitled to free educational services
All residents of Québec are entitled to the free educational services provided for by the Education Act and the Basic school regulation for preschool, elementary and secondary education from the first... Lire la suite
An Act to reform the school tax system
On March 27, 2018, Bill 166 was passed by the National Assembly. The objectives are as follows: eliminate taxpayer inequity caused by tax rate spreads within the same region stop taxpayers who do not ... Lire la suite
School fees
New legislative and regulatory provisions concerning free education and financial contributions that may be required will take effect on July 1, 2019. They affect all preschool, elementary, secondary ... Lire la suite