With the publication of the Framework Policy Going the Healthy Route at School, the food industry as well as the education and health sectors have requested certain clarifications.

Because the Ministère is often asked the same questions by a number of people and organizations, it has created information sheets to help stakeholders better understand the Framework Policy and assist them with its implementation.


Date Titre
2013-08-21 Food donations (218.1 ko)
2013-08-23 Commercially breaded foods (118.8 ko)
2013-08-21 Breakfast (whole-wheat waffles and garnishes) (239.2 ko)
2013-08-21 Foods and beverages containing sweeteners (239.3 ko)
2013-08-23 Availability of chocolate in schools (123.0 ko)
2013-08-23 Special events and fundraising events and activities (112.4 ko)
2013-08-23 Potatoes (118.2 ko)
2013-08-23 Pre-fried potatoes (117.4 ko)