Two Networks, One Objective: The Development of Youth
- Framework for Developing and Strengthening a Continuum of Integrated Services for Young People at the Local and Regional Levels
This framework is designed to help develop and strengthen a continuum of integrated services for young people at the local and regional levels. It is addressed to managers and actors in both networks who are responsible for implementing the continuum of integrated services and to their partners. The continuum of integrated services covers all aspects of the Agreement, including the shared activities of promotion and prevention. In this frame of reference, particular attention is paid to services aimed at responding specifically to the needs of young people with difficulties or impairments.
- Guide for developing a memorandum of understanding on the joint provision of services to young people by the educative and health and social services networks
The purpose of the document is to help staff working in the education network and the health and social services network to draw up agreements regarding services provided jointly by the two networks to youth with handicaps, social maladjustments or learning disabilities. It sets out a standard framework governing any agreement between one or more educational institutions and one or more health and social services institutions.