This document is intended for teaching personnel and complementary educational services personnel working in elementary and secondary schools and for their partners in the health and social services sector. Its production is timely because the reform of education is changing the way many things are done in our schools.

For example, we are all aware that the Personal and Social Development program will be or has been eliminated with the implementation of the Québec Education Program. The new direction aims for the development of a range of competencies. As a result, sex education is no longer associated with a single subject or a single educator, and has now become the responsibility of a group of partners.

The contribution of the complementary educational services personnel is essential to achieving the goals of the Québec Education Program and realizing the mission of the Ministère de l’Éducation, which is to provide instruction, to socialize and to provide qualifications.


Date Titre
2013-08-21 Sex Education in the Context of Education Reform (1.2 Mo)