
Date Titre
1969-12-31 Education Statistics Bulletin Nº 34 - Exploratory study of the educational paths of students from immigrant backgrounds from the 1994-1995 cohort of secondary school students (443.2 ko)
1969-12-31 Education Statistics Bulletin Nº 33 - Regional Distribution of Bachelor’s Level Graduates in Québec (253.5 ko)
1969-12-31 Education Statistics Bulletin Nº 32 - The Return on a Bachelor's Degree (187.6 ko)
1969-12-31 Education Statistics Bulletin Nº 30 - Statistical Portrait of School-Age Populations in Aboriginal Communities in Québec (733.7 ko)
1969-12-31 Education Statistics Bulletin N° 28 - Student Flow from College to University (105.4 ko)
2013-08-21 Education Statistics Bulletin N° 26 - The School Population Map and Poverty Indices (111.2 ko)
1969-12-31 Education Statistics Bulletin N° 25 - The concepts of permanent school leaving and dropping out (75.9 ko)
1969-12-31 Education Statistics Bulletin N° 23 - Student Flow Indicators for Students Enrolled in Undergraduate Degree Programs at Québec Universities (152.6 ko)
1969-12-31 Education Statistics Bulletin N° 22 - Forecast of full-time equivalent student enrollment in Québec universities, 2000-2001 to 2014-2015 (108.5 ko)
2013-08-21 Education Statistics Bulletin Nº 21 - Graduation Rates in Québec and the OECD Countries (180.5 ko)
2013-08-21 Education Statistics Bulletin Nº 20- Educational Spending Relative to the GDP in 1997: A Comparison of Québec and the OECD Countries (159.2 ko)
2013-08-21 Education Statistics Bulletin Nº 19 - Statutory Salaries of Teachers in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools in 1997-1998: A Comparison of Québec and OECD Countries (160.0 ko)
2013-08-21 Education Statistics Bulletin N° 18 - Québec's Education System and the International Standard Classification of Education (90.7 ko)
1969-12-31 Education Statistics Bulletin N° 17 - The Professional Integration of Holders of Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees Over the Past Two Decades (208.2 ko)
1969-12-31 Education Statistics Bulletin N° 16 - Education pays! (116.6 ko)
2013-08-21 Education Statistics Bulletin Nº 15 - School Administrators in Québec School Boards (176.1 ko)
1969-12-31 Education Statistics Bulletin Nº 14 - Dropping Out of School (222.4 ko)
2013-08-21 Education Statistics Bulletin Nº 13 - School Enrolments in Québec and the OECD Countries in 1995-96 (67.0 ko)
1969-12-31 Education Statistics Bulletin Nº 12 - Secondary School Vocational Education (99.8 ko)
1969-12-31 Education Statistics Bulletin Nº 11 - Education Level of the Adult Populations of Québec’s Principal Cultural Communities in 1996 (65.3 ko)
2013-08-21 Education Statistics Bulletin Nº 10 - The Linguistic Situation in the Education Sector, 1997-98 (75.0 ko)
2013-08-21 Education Statistics Bulletin Nº 9 - Projections of Teaching Staff in Québec School Boards: 1996-97 to 2008-09 (178.6 ko)
1969-12-31 Education Statistics Bulletin Nº 8 - The Return on Investment in Education (66.2 ko)
1969-12-31 Education Statistics Bulletin Nº 7 - Statistical Portrait of the Aboriginal School Population of Québec, 1981-96 (100.9 ko)
2013-08-21 Education Statistics Bulletin Nº 6 - Québec Student Achievement in Mathematics and Science: An International Comparison (236.2 ko)
1969-12-31 Education Statistics Bulletin Nº 5 - Secondary School and College Graduates: A Sociodemographic Analysis (100.8 ko)
2013-08-21 Education Statistics Bulletin Nº 4 - Graduation from Secondary School, College and University in 1995: A Comparison of Québec and OECD Countries (38.6 ko)
2013-08-21 Education Statistics Bulletin Nº 3 - Educational Expenditure Relative to the GDP: A Comparison of Québec and OECD Countries (67.3 ko)
2013-08-21 Education Statistics Bulletin Nº 2 - Statutory Salaries and Teaching Time of Teachers in Public Elementary and Lower Secondary Schools: A Comparison of Québec and OECD Countries (57.3 ko)
1969-12-31 Education Statistics Bulletin Nº 1 - Level of Graduation Upon Leaving the Education System (66.4 ko)